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Kunia Country Farms
Educational Outreach
The Tilapia Hatchery - under construction.

This is the Hatchery space under the deck. Along the back wall will be an 8 foot exhibition tank.

Hatchery space

Breeding Tanks
Three lower breeding tanks house 1 male and 3 female tilapia.

Growout Tanks
Grow-out tanks hold the babies until they are fingerling size.

White Tilapia
These are Colorado Rocky Mountain White Tilapia.

Breeding Tank
Acrylic portals allow viewing of breed stock.

Rocky Mountain White
Closeup of our Colorado Rocky Mountain White Tilapia.

Rocky Mountain White 2
Closeup of our Colorado Rocky Mountain White Tilapia.

Rocky Mountain White 3
Closeup of our Colorado Rocky Mountain White Tilapia.
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